I have been working all summer getting ready for this school year! I am excited to introduce our classroom! Here is a sneak peek around our room.


View from in front of my desk.

Our 'Birthday Wall." I will take pictures of all the kiddos with their birthdate written on a cupcake and post them on the appropriate month.

Feeling like we are in Hawaii!

This Book Check-Out is for the students to put their book cards in when they check out a book. It is also a way for me to check that every student has a book available to read during AR time.

AR Club is a great motivator for those kids who don't like to read! The more points they earn for taking AR quizzes, the more prizes they can earn. My points range from 5 to 200 points in one year! Every time they reach the next point value they get to move up the ribbon to show their progress. I hope to have great success with this program!

The classroom library. I have over 700 books for the students to choose from. Each one is marked with the AR level so the kids won't have any trouble choosing a book in their level.

Our Blurt Chart is for keeping track of blurts. Any time a student yells out or talks before being called on will have a popsicle stick removed from their pocket. Once they have lost all three sticks, they will move down one level on the behavior chart.

This is where all the homework will be turned into. This should help us keep organized and for me to see who is missing homework.

My desk!!

Homeworkopoly. On Friday all students who have completed and turned in their homework for the whole week will have the opportunity to roll the dice and move around the board. There are many chances to earn prizes, so make sure and turn in all your homework!

These are our classroom jobs. Every week I will assign a new job to every student. They will earn "Beach Bucks" for doing their jobs. 

Another angle of the room! I think it turned out awesome! I hope the kids enjoy their "paradise!"

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    Kayti Shrader- This is my second year teaching. I teach 3rd grade at Tarkio Elementary, Tarkio, Missouri.


    August 2013

